2 Timothy 1:14
That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. (WEB)
In Proverbs 4:23, King Solomon writes that we are to guard our heart above all else, for out of it flows the issues of life. Today's Bible reading is the New Testament equivalent to that Scripture. The Apostle Paul writes this admonition to his spiritual son Timothy, as he gives instruction to this young man on how to oversee all that God has entrusted to him in the local church.
So what does it mean to 'guard the good thing' or 'guard your heart'? Does it mean to build up walls around your heart so that no one else has access to it? Absolutely not! People who look to self-protection by hiding behind walls of their own making are not truly free. Walls that we create as a coping mechanism to prevent us from getting hurt only keep us imprisoned inside of them.
I believe that guarding that which was entrusted to us simply means that we need to exercise wisdom when it comes to sharing the deepest desires of our hearts with others. We cannot share everything that is dear to our hearts with everybody around us. There are times when we can only share our most precious dreams and desires with a select few. We see this in Jesus' life. He shared His most intimate moments with Peter, James and John.
Often other people cannot fully appreciate that which God has entrusted to us. In some ways, I think that is understandable because each one of us is different. What we see in our inner man is not easily seen by others around us so even well meaning friends might trample on what we see as sacred in our lives.
My prayer today is that these negative experiences will not cause us to shut down emotionally. I pray that we will also not react by giving up on the things that God has promised us either. May the Holy Spirit give us wisdom to know how to protect and nurture that which He has placed within our hearts without going to self protection as our only line of defense.
I pray that we would all be encouraged today to 'stir up the gift within us' and seek out those around us who will truly help us to fan into flame all of the good things that our Papa has placed in our hearts. Remember, God's gifts and His call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). What He has promised to do, He will do, because He is a faithful Father.
Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life. (WEB)
That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. (WEB)
In Proverbs 4:23, King Solomon writes that we are to guard our heart above all else, for out of it flows the issues of life. Today's Bible reading is the New Testament equivalent to that Scripture. The Apostle Paul writes this admonition to his spiritual son Timothy, as he gives instruction to this young man on how to oversee all that God has entrusted to him in the local church.
So what does it mean to 'guard the good thing' or 'guard your heart'? Does it mean to build up walls around your heart so that no one else has access to it? Absolutely not! People who look to self-protection by hiding behind walls of their own making are not truly free. Walls that we create as a coping mechanism to prevent us from getting hurt only keep us imprisoned inside of them.
I believe that guarding that which was entrusted to us simply means that we need to exercise wisdom when it comes to sharing the deepest desires of our hearts with others. We cannot share everything that is dear to our hearts with everybody around us. There are times when we can only share our most precious dreams and desires with a select few. We see this in Jesus' life. He shared His most intimate moments with Peter, James and John.
Often other people cannot fully appreciate that which God has entrusted to us. In some ways, I think that is understandable because each one of us is different. What we see in our inner man is not easily seen by others around us so even well meaning friends might trample on what we see as sacred in our lives.
My prayer today is that these negative experiences will not cause us to shut down emotionally. I pray that we will also not react by giving up on the things that God has promised us either. May the Holy Spirit give us wisdom to know how to protect and nurture that which He has placed within our hearts without going to self protection as our only line of defense.
I pray that we would all be encouraged today to 'stir up the gift within us' and seek out those around us who will truly help us to fan into flame all of the good things that our Papa has placed in our hearts. Remember, God's gifts and His call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). What He has promised to do, He will do, because He is a faithful Father.
Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life. (WEB)