Before Jesus did anything in public ministry, He received affirmation
from His Heavenly Father. Before He performed one miracle or healed one
sick person, He looked upward to His Father and of course, the Father
responded by declaring publicly His love and acceptance for His Son.
Bible says in Mark's account of Jesus' Baptism (Mark 1:9-10) that the
windows of heaven were actually 'torn open', using the same Greek word
(skhid'-zo) where the temple curtain was 'torn' from top to bottom when
Jesus died on the cross. The open heaven that begun at Jesus' baptism
never closed again and because of His finished work on the cross, we
too, enjoy that same open heaven as well.
If Jesus lived under an
open heaven and we are called into the 'greater works' (John 14:12) of
the Son, then it only stands to reason that we can enjoy an open
heaven lifestyle too. I love how Jesus puts some form to what an open
heaven looks like when He tells Nathanial that he will see angels
ascending and descending on the Son of Man (John 1:51). That's as open
heaven as you can get!
Since we are called to look with the eyes
of faith into the unseen and eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18), my prayer
is that the Spirit of God would give us eyes to see from heaven's
perspective (Ephesians 1:17-18). I pray that we could enjoy all of the
benefits of an open heaven living as beloved heirs of God (Galatians
4:6-7) simply because it is part of our royal birthright. Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Those of us who still struggle with orphan
mindsets still might not be convinced that this is true. If we aren't
convinced that we are loved completely by a loving Father, we might
live as if we are left to figure out life on our own. Instead of us
basking in the glorious warmth of an open heaven's love and acceptance,
we may feel disconnected, unloved and alone.
But that my
friends, is NOT the gospel! Jesus died on a cross so that His Father
could become YOUR Father (John 20:17). You are no longer an orphan
(John 14:18), but a much loved child of the Most High who is an heir to
every spiritual blessing that exists in heavenly places in Christ
(Ephesians 1:3).
So in light of this unshakeable truth, may an
open heaven encounter become part of your daily experience with the
Godhead! And may your spiritual ears be tuned to the loving of your
Heavenly Father that declares the same public declaration of His love
over you that He declared over His Son on the day of His baptism....
Matthew 3:16-17 16
Jesus, when he was baptized, went up directly from the water: and
behold, the heavens were opened to him. He saw the Spirit of God
descending as a dove, and coming on him. 17 Behold, a voice out of the
heavens said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”