If you have missed our weekly live video webcasts, you can still watch them by clicking on the links below. Feel free to share these videos with others.
2015 Video Webcasts
Click on the links below to watch archived video webcasts directly from Vimeo.com
Wednesday December 16, 2015 - Questions and answers
In this 50 minute webcast, John MacDonald, Mark Gyde and Barry Adams answer some questions that the webcast community had asked. Questions included 'How do you accelerate growth? 'to 'What makes Christianity not boring to you?' It is definitely worth a listen.
Wednesday December 9, 2015 - Found in Him - Mark Gyde
In this 45 minute webcast, Mark talks about the importance of being remindedth at we are 'in Christ' so based on our union with Him, we are all that He is.
Wednesday December 2, 2015 - No More Punishment - John MacDonald
In this 38 minute webcast, John unpacks the very foundation of the gospel message that assures every anxious heart that is afraid because there is no fear in love!
Wednesday November 25, 2015 - Seasons of Change - Mark Gyde
In this 48 minute webcast, Mark Gyde shares the importance of having our lives rooted and grounded in love especially in times of turbulence and change in our lives.
Wednesday November 18, 2015 - Reduced to Love - Barry Adams
In this 39 minute webcast, Barry talks about the simplicity and beauty of living a life of being reduced to love. Inspired by The Apostle John's charge... 'little children, love one another', Barry poses the question that perhaps the best way to grow up in the Kingdom is to grow down with the heart of a little child.
Wednesday November 11, 2015 - Restoring Childlike Trust - Barry Adams
In this 49 minute webcast, Barry continues where he left off the week before talking about all of the benefits of learning to embrace a childlike heart again. He talks about how important our trust is to God and how He loves it when we live a trusting life.
Wednesday November 4, 2015 - Rediscovering Your Inner Genius - Barry Adams
In this 45 minute re-broadcast of the Wed. Nov. 4, 2015 webcast, Barry shares some pretty cool scientific information about the over-the-top creative brilliance that the average 5 year old operates in and how we as God's kids can claim back all of the creativity that was lost along the way.
Wednesday October 7, 2015 - Interview with Dave & Dina
This edition of the Fatherheart.tv webcast has a different format as John MacDonald and Mark Gyde interview husband and wife team - Dave & Dina from England. This webcast is definitely worth a listen as Dave & Dina's testimonies are really encouraging!
Wednesday September 30, 2015 - Jesus reveals The Father
Mark Gyde shares about the mission of Jesus to 're-present' His Father to the world and the life changing implications for us when we truly encounter the Father's love.
Wednesday September 23, 2015 - The Big Picture
In this 52 minute webcast, Barry shares a big picture overview of the message of God's Fatherheart for humanity.
Wednesday September 9, 2015 - Remain in My love
Barry shares the beautiful simplicity of just learning to relax in the everlasting love of Almighty God so that you can be comfortable in His house all the days of your life.
Wednesday June 24, 2015 - The Rest of His Love
John shares how it is our Father's for us to simply breathe in His love and join Him in His rest.
Wednesday June 17, 2015 - In His presence is fullness of joy
In this 45 minute Fatherheart.tv webcast from Wed. June 15, 2015, Barry shares the high value that our Father places on joy and how we can live in overflowing joy even in the midst of life's most difficult circumstances.
Wednesday June 10, 2015 - Christian character
John shares how it is our Father's love that actually transforms us in His image so that we will naturally manifest the fruitfulness of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday June 9, 2015 - Living in Love
Mark shares the life changing implications of us simply living in the love that God has for us.
Wednesday June 3, 2015 - God is always good
Mark shares the importance for us knowing that God is always good. No matter what we go through in life, God is good and His love endures forever!
Wednesday May 20, 2015 - You are enough
Barry shares the longing of the human heart to be loved and accepted by God, knowing that we are enough just the way He made us.
Wednesday May 13, 2015 - Belonging
Mark shares how Jesus became the way for us to experience true belonging in His Father's heart.
Tuesday May 12, 2015 - Our parental need for love
Barry shares how the need for parental love has been woven into our DNA and how our God and Father meets us exactly where we need to be loved.
Wednesday May 6, 2015 - Becoming sons at heart
Barry shares the process of transformation where we go from being legals sons to God to being sons from our heart.
Wednesday April 29, 2015 - Being Free
Mark shares how it is for freedom sake that Christ set us free to be who are Heavenly Father created us to be.
Wednesday April 22, 2015 - The Father's blessing
Barry shares how our Heavenly Father wants to restore the original blessing given to Adam and Eve to every one of His kids.
Wednesday April 15, 2015 - Barry Adams - The Father of Compassion
Barry shares how compassionate God is to us when we are hurting.
Wednesday April 8, 2015 - Mark Gyde - The joy of The Lord
Mark shares how we can have the joy of the Lord despite our circumstancesand how joy is simply a manifestation of being loved by God.
Wednesday April 1, 2015 - Barry Adams - Faith Equals Trust
Barry shares how faith, believing and trust are intertwined in our relationship with our Abba.
Wednesday March 25, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Am I Enough?
Mark shares how we can rest in simply being who God made us to be as we receive the love and acceptance that comes from our Heavenly Father.
Wednesday March 18, 2015 - Barry Adams - The substance of love
Barry shares how the love of God reaches beyond the conceptual and theological and goes deep into the practical and tangible areas of our life where real transformation happens.
Wednesday March 11, 2015 - John MacDonald - The family of God
John some very practical insights of Father's heart for His family.
Wednesday March 4, 2015 - Barry Adams - A fresh look at the prophetic
Barry shares how he is learning new things about the purpose of the prophetic through experiencing God's heart as a Father in his own family journey.
Wednesday February 25, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Running into a safe place
Mark shares how we all can find a safe place in the arms of our Heavenly Father when we need a respite from the world around us.
Wednesday February 18, 2015 - John MacDonald - Weakness and Rest
John shares some of his recent experiences in Uganda as well as sharing his own personal story in weakness and rest.
Wednesday February 11, 2015 - Barry Adams - Love is the fulfillment of the law
Barry shares how the power of God's love actually is the fulfillmentof the law as the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 13:10
Wednesday February 4, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Faith, Hope & Love
Mark unpacks the meaning of the words faith, hope & love from a context of experiencing the Father's love.
Wednesday January 28, 2015 - Barry Adams - Rest
Barry shares the importance of entering into the rest of Godso that we can really cease from our own works.
Wednesday January 21, 2015 - Mark Gyde - How much more do you want?
Mark shares that the expanse of God's love is so big that it will take an eternity to experience it. In light of our Father's ever expanding love, it is good for us to continue to ask for more!
Wednesday January 14, 2015 - Barry Adams - Shifting Paradigms
Barry shares how God wants to shift our para digmsso that we can know Him as our Heavenly Dad.
Click on the links below to watch archived video webcasts directly from Vimeo.com
Wednesday December 16, 2015 - Questions and answers
In this 50 minute webcast, John MacDonald, Mark Gyde and Barry Adams answer some questions that the webcast community had asked. Questions included 'How do you accelerate growth? 'to 'What makes Christianity not boring to you?' It is definitely worth a listen.
Wednesday December 9, 2015 - Found in Him - Mark Gyde
In this 45 minute webcast, Mark talks about the importance of being remindedth at we are 'in Christ' so based on our union with Him, we are all that He is.
Wednesday December 2, 2015 - No More Punishment - John MacDonald
In this 38 minute webcast, John unpacks the very foundation of the gospel message that assures every anxious heart that is afraid because there is no fear in love!
Wednesday November 25, 2015 - Seasons of Change - Mark Gyde
In this 48 minute webcast, Mark Gyde shares the importance of having our lives rooted and grounded in love especially in times of turbulence and change in our lives.
Wednesday November 18, 2015 - Reduced to Love - Barry Adams
In this 39 minute webcast, Barry talks about the simplicity and beauty of living a life of being reduced to love. Inspired by The Apostle John's charge... 'little children, love one another', Barry poses the question that perhaps the best way to grow up in the Kingdom is to grow down with the heart of a little child.
Wednesday November 11, 2015 - Restoring Childlike Trust - Barry Adams
In this 49 minute webcast, Barry continues where he left off the week before talking about all of the benefits of learning to embrace a childlike heart again. He talks about how important our trust is to God and how He loves it when we live a trusting life.
Wednesday November 4, 2015 - Rediscovering Your Inner Genius - Barry Adams
In this 45 minute re-broadcast of the Wed. Nov. 4, 2015 webcast, Barry shares some pretty cool scientific information about the over-the-top creative brilliance that the average 5 year old operates in and how we as God's kids can claim back all of the creativity that was lost along the way.
Wednesday October 7, 2015 - Interview with Dave & Dina
This edition of the Fatherheart.tv webcast has a different format as John MacDonald and Mark Gyde interview husband and wife team - Dave & Dina from England. This webcast is definitely worth a listen as Dave & Dina's testimonies are really encouraging!
Wednesday September 30, 2015 - Jesus reveals The Father
Mark Gyde shares about the mission of Jesus to 're-present' His Father to the world and the life changing implications for us when we truly encounter the Father's love.
Wednesday September 23, 2015 - The Big Picture
In this 52 minute webcast, Barry shares a big picture overview of the message of God's Fatherheart for humanity.
Wednesday September 9, 2015 - Remain in My love
Barry shares the beautiful simplicity of just learning to relax in the everlasting love of Almighty God so that you can be comfortable in His house all the days of your life.
Wednesday June 24, 2015 - The Rest of His Love
John shares how it is our Father's for us to simply breathe in His love and join Him in His rest.
Wednesday June 17, 2015 - In His presence is fullness of joy
In this 45 minute Fatherheart.tv webcast from Wed. June 15, 2015, Barry shares the high value that our Father places on joy and how we can live in overflowing joy even in the midst of life's most difficult circumstances.
Wednesday June 10, 2015 - Christian character
John shares how it is our Father's love that actually transforms us in His image so that we will naturally manifest the fruitfulness of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday June 9, 2015 - Living in Love
Mark shares the life changing implications of us simply living in the love that God has for us.
Wednesday June 3, 2015 - God is always good
Mark shares the importance for us knowing that God is always good. No matter what we go through in life, God is good and His love endures forever!
Wednesday May 20, 2015 - You are enough
Barry shares the longing of the human heart to be loved and accepted by God, knowing that we are enough just the way He made us.
Wednesday May 13, 2015 - Belonging
Mark shares how Jesus became the way for us to experience true belonging in His Father's heart.
Tuesday May 12, 2015 - Our parental need for love
Barry shares how the need for parental love has been woven into our DNA and how our God and Father meets us exactly where we need to be loved.
Wednesday May 6, 2015 - Becoming sons at heart
Barry shares the process of transformation where we go from being legals sons to God to being sons from our heart.
Wednesday April 29, 2015 - Being Free
Mark shares how it is for freedom sake that Christ set us free to be who are Heavenly Father created us to be.
Wednesday April 22, 2015 - The Father's blessing
Barry shares how our Heavenly Father wants to restore the original blessing given to Adam and Eve to every one of His kids.
Wednesday April 15, 2015 - Barry Adams - The Father of Compassion
Barry shares how compassionate God is to us when we are hurting.
Wednesday April 8, 2015 - Mark Gyde - The joy of The Lord
Mark shares how we can have the joy of the Lord despite our circumstancesand how joy is simply a manifestation of being loved by God.
Wednesday April 1, 2015 - Barry Adams - Faith Equals Trust
Barry shares how faith, believing and trust are intertwined in our relationship with our Abba.
Wednesday March 25, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Am I Enough?
Mark shares how we can rest in simply being who God made us to be as we receive the love and acceptance that comes from our Heavenly Father.
Wednesday March 18, 2015 - Barry Adams - The substance of love
Barry shares how the love of God reaches beyond the conceptual and theological and goes deep into the practical and tangible areas of our life where real transformation happens.
Wednesday March 11, 2015 - John MacDonald - The family of God
John some very practical insights of Father's heart for His family.
Wednesday March 4, 2015 - Barry Adams - A fresh look at the prophetic
Barry shares how he is learning new things about the purpose of the prophetic through experiencing God's heart as a Father in his own family journey.
Wednesday February 25, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Running into a safe place
Mark shares how we all can find a safe place in the arms of our Heavenly Father when we need a respite from the world around us.
Wednesday February 18, 2015 - John MacDonald - Weakness and Rest
John shares some of his recent experiences in Uganda as well as sharing his own personal story in weakness and rest.
Wednesday February 11, 2015 - Barry Adams - Love is the fulfillment of the law
Barry shares how the power of God's love actually is the fulfillmentof the law as the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 13:10
Wednesday February 4, 2015 - Mark Gyde - Faith, Hope & Love
Mark unpacks the meaning of the words faith, hope & love from a context of experiencing the Father's love.
Wednesday January 28, 2015 - Barry Adams - Rest
Barry shares the importance of entering into the rest of Godso that we can really cease from our own works.
Wednesday January 21, 2015 - Mark Gyde - How much more do you want?
Mark shares that the expanse of God's love is so big that it will take an eternity to experience it. In light of our Father's ever expanding love, it is good for us to continue to ask for more!
Wednesday January 14, 2015 - Barry Adams - Shifting Paradigms
Barry shares how God wants to shift our para digmsso that we can know Him as our Heavenly Dad.