The Kingdom Belongs To Little Children Book
There is much focus on the Kingdom of God in church culture and rightly so. But who does God consider the greatest in His Kingdom? Who did Jesus say the Kingdom belongs to? Who does the Father delight to reveal it to? If you answered, 'little children', you would be right.
In this new book, Barry Adams shares how the Father's love has freed him from a life long pursuit of performance based Christianity. Now he enjoys a simpler, fuller life as a much loved little boy with a BIG Dad. He has discovered that the pathway to true greatness is reserved for those who are happy to change and become like little children again. For it was only when he gave himself permission to 'grow down' that he was able to comprehend just how big his Father's Kingdom really is. You can order a printed copy at or you can download a free PDF, ePub or Kindle versions below... |